What makes vehicle wraps popular?

logo wrap shop - gold landscape truck vinyl wrap

What makes vehicle wraps popular?

First, wraps on vehicles are an advertising tool before they are anything else.

Yes, it may make your vehicle look cool and stand out so you cannot lose it in a huge parking lot but the bottom line it is going to make you money.

It has the potential to make you a lot of money.

For example, we designed for an air conditioning company that had six service vans that were not being used in any way as an advertising tool. Just black vinyl, block letters and phone numbers, address, and contractor license numbers. They had zero attention and never even thought as advertising. They purchased a new van, this would be #7 and they were just thinking of making it look like number one of six..

There was no need to make it look different!! We did a design to show the owners what we could make it look like. They were very impressed, but they couldn’t see spending $4000 to $5000 on such an idea.

They finally decided to do the new van with our design, our design started growing on them and were willing to try if this would get them some business. If nothing else, it will definitely make them look like a better company.

Little did they know it would increase their cash flow by 10ths of thousands of dollars within two months, they felt like they got the 4500 dollars back for the wrap.

We pointed out to them that this new cash flow was going to continue month after month because they raised the impression of their company to the public to a higher level now. All of this with just one van and six vans with no new design.

Over the next two years, this company raised their value by three million dollars and 10 vehicles with wraps. This is the kind of results you get with well-designed wraps.

It’s worth every effort and investment to start. It is truly amazing how the use of wraps on vehicles for advertising your company. It is the least cost and most visible method of advertising on your company’ work vans and trucks.

Four twenty plus years we have been designing and installing wrap designs. It is not just the air conditioning company in our example, it is plumbing companies, electric companies, carpenters, roofers, landscape companies and on and on and on. All our customers have their own stories of success with vehicle wraps or catching identification logo graphics applied to their fleet.

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