Partial Wrap

Partial Wrap

What does a Partial Wrap mean?

If you’ve heard, “are you looking for a partial wrap or a full wrap?” before, this is what we mean. How much of your vehicle do you want to cover? As the name implies, a partial wrap will partially cover your vehicle. This means the color of your car will be partially visible. Let’s see what this looks like. The images below visually show partial wraps on vehicles. Hover over the images to switch between partial wraps on vans and pickup trucks. There are three options depending on the desired design and price point, 1/3 wrap, 1/2 wrap, and 3/4 wrap.

Here at Logo Wrap Shop, we offer three partial wrap options. These three options are 1/3 wrap, 1/2 warp, and 3/4 wrap. The partial wrap option that is right for you will depend on the the desired amount of coverage, the design, and the budget. Whichever you choose, all three options are great marketing tools for your company vehicles and commercial fleets. For a full coverage method, check out our Full Wrap page.

Partial Wrap Coverage

The amount of coverage will also depend on the amount on information you want to advertise. If you only want to show a company logo and basic information, like a phone number or website, a 1/3 wrap may be the way to go. If you also want to include a list of services, products, and pictures, a 1/2 or 3/4 wrap may be the best option. It’s important to first determine what information will attract the customers you are seeking.

For established businesses, less information may be desirable. For small businesses looking to grow, more information may be better. This information can include a list of products and services your company offers. It can also include pictures. Different avenues for customers to contact you is another thing to consider. For example, a phone number, website, email address, or even a physical address.


Partial Wrap Design

For advertising on the go, you’ll want to keep in mind some rules for visibility. Remember, potential customers may be seeing your vehicle wrap from a distance or only for an instant. Legibility is important for maximum exposure.

For this, you’ll want your customers to see the information that is most relevant to your business. If including a list of services and multiple lines of text, we’ll need to consider the letter size in the design. In many instances, small lettering is not visible. At a distance, people across the street or inside a vehicle next to you on the road, should be able to read the information without difficulty. This means being concise is key.

We will help you design the partial wrap that is right for your business!

A half wrap or 3/4″ wrap printed and installed on a commercial vehicle is a wise decesision. We use the largest flat areas of your vehicle to present your brand, colors, logo and information. The top, the hood or front fenders are normally difficult to present readable information. Unless you want a complete design, a partial wrap is an excellent saving money option.

If you need a partial wrap in the metropolitan Dallas area, give us a call to start talking abut given your vehicles the power of advertising.

1/3 Wrap


1/2 Wrap


3/4 Wrap

Logo Wrap Shop Mercedes Sprinter van wrap

Why Partial Wraps?

A partial wrap is a vehicle branding solution that is both effective and efficient. Their versatile design helps companies show a wide range of information. This can include, the company name and logo, contact information, a list of services, and photographs. We can spread this information throughout the car, including the driver and passenger side and the back of the vehicle. This tactic gives the impression of fuller coverage while only being a partial wrap. Partial wraps are also economical. Partially wrapping your vehicle also means less material and installation costs. Request a quote for a partial wrap today!